
If you pass "tinyfd_query" as title, the functions will not display the dialogs but will return 0 for console mode, 1 for graphic mode. tinyfd_response is then filled with the retain solution. possible values for tinyfd_response are (all lowercase), for graphic mode: `windows applescript kdialog zenity zenity3 matedialog qarma python2-tkinter python3-tkinter python-dbus perl-dbus gxmessage gmessage xmessage xdialog gdialog`, for console mode: dialog whiptail basicinput no_solution

extern (C) nothrow @nogc __gshared
char[1024] tinyfd_response;


char[1024] buf = '\0'; c_str mode = tinyfd_inputBox("tinyfd_query", null, null);

strcpy(buf.ptr, "v"); strcat(buf.ptr, tinyfd_version.ptr); strcat(buf.ptr, "\ n"); if (mode) strcat(buf.ptr, "graphic mode: "); else strcat(buf.ptr, "console mode: "); strcat(buf.ptr, tinyfd_response.ptr); strcat(buf.ptr, "\ n"); strcat(buf.ptr, tinyfd_needs.ptr + 78); tinyfd_messageBox("Hello", buf.ptr, "ok", "info", 0);
